UVA Press Announces New Series "The Revolutionary Age"

The University of Virginia Press is pleased to announce “The Revolutionary Age,” a new series designed to bring a fresh and international perspective to the study of the American Revolution within the broader context of the Age of Revolution.

Frank Cogliano and Patrick Griffin will guide this new publishing venture, which will provide space for junior and senior scholars alike to reflect on and move beyond national and nationalistic paradigms to place the American Revolution, including its causes and consequences, in a broad perspective. They especially encourage contributions from specialists outside of the United States, such as Latin America, Europe, South Asia, and other areas of the world on how the American Revolution affected those regions.

“We’re thrilled about the launch of this series. Thanks to the global turn, scholars of the American Revolution see that event—its origins, course, and legacy—in new and exciting ways,” said Frank Cogliano, University of Edinburgh (f.cogliano@ed.ac.uk). “We intend to publish different types of books in this series reflecting that vitality and diversity: monographs, edited collections, and shorter works that engage with big themes and ideas. We are committed to publishing work by younger scholars as well as more established historians. We have a capacious definition of the American Revolution, its origins and legacies, and we invite you to submit your projects to us!”

The editors seek books that take a broad, international approach to the study of the origins and legacy of revolution within and beyond the Americas, given that this age saw the convergence of a number of vectors—emerging republicanism, economic change, abolition, imperialism, and new ways of thinking about the past and the future—that made the modern, interconnected world.

“The Revolutionary Age series will prove an exciting means for interrogating nation in transnational context. This age of revolution produced states and nations throughout the Atlantic, all grappling with the same systemic changes and with the same sovereign challenges. We look forward to working with scholars from around the world as they provide fresh answers to these compelling questions,” added Patrick Griffin, University of Notre Dame (pgriffi4@nd.edu).

The new imprint’s first title will be Ireland and America: Empire, Revolution, and Sovereignty edited by Cogliano and Griffin, scheduled to be published in spring 2021.

Suzanne Morse Moomaw, director of UVA Press, said “The explorations of ‘The Revolutionary Age’ series will provide scholars, students, and the public an expansive roadmap in understanding the underpinnings of relationships and interests that shaped and re-shaped the Revolutionary period. UVA Press is honored to work with Professors Cogliano and Griffin on this new endeavor.”

About the Series Editors:

Frank Cogliano is Professor of American History at the University of Edinburgh. He is the author of five books, including, most recently, Emperor of Liberty: Thomas Jefferson’s Foreign Policy (Yale, 2014) and Revolutionary America: A Political History, 1763-1815, 3rd ed. (Routledge, 2017). He is the editor of three books including The Atlantic Enlightenment (Ashgate, 2008, with Susan Manning) and The Blackwell Companion to Jefferson (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012). He is currently writing a book on the relationship between George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

Patrick Griffin is Madden-Hennebry Professor of History at the University of Notre Dame. He is the author of four solo-authored books and has edited three collections. His most recent books are The Townshend Moment: The Making of Empire and Revolution in the Eighteenth Century (Yale University Press, 2017); and America’s Revolution (Oxford University Press, 2012). He is completing a new book entitled The Ties That Bind: A Study of the Age of Revolution, due out with Yale.

At UVA Press, editor for history Nadine Zimmerli will work with Cogliano and Griffin on bringing into print the best scholarship on the Revolutionary Age of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.

About the University of Virginia Press

The University of Virginia Press is the scholarly publishing division of the University of Virginia. The Press supports the academic mission of the University by publishing scholarship in a variety of print and digital formats that broadens knowledge and research capability but also creates public dialogue about place and possibility. Founded in 1963, the Press publishes more than 70 new titles annually. It is a leading publisher in American history and politics, literature, religion, architecture and design, and general interest books about cities, states, and regions throughout the United States and the world.

For more information about UVA Press, please contact Emily Grandstaff at 434-982-2932 or egrandstaff@virginia.edu.

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