The Documentary History of the First Federal Congress of the United States of America
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Convening first in New York and later in Philadelphia from March 1789 to March 1791, these earliest iterations of the Senate and the House of Representatives worked with a new president to establish a government subject to the vision of a constitution less than a year in existence. Containing all of the contents of the celebrated twenty-two-volume letterpress edition from Johns Hopkins University Press, this digital edition is fully searchable and interoperable with other titles in Rotunda’s American Founding Era Collection.

Others in Founding Era Collection:
•  People of the Founding Era•  The Papers of Eliza Lucas Pinckney & Harriott Pinckney Horry Digital Edition•  The Papers of George Washington Digital Edition•  The Papers of James Madison Digital Edition•  The Adams Papers Digital Edition•  The Documentary History of the First Federal Congress of the United States of America•  The Papers of Thomas Jefferson Digital Edition•  The Selected Papers of John Jay Digital Edition•  The Diaries of Gouverneur Morris Digital Edition•  The Papers of Alexander Hamilton Digital Edition•  The Papers of Revolutionary Era Pinckney Statesmen•  The Papers of John Marshall Digital Edition•  The Dolley Madison Digital Edition•  The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution•  The Papers of James Monroe Digital Edition•  The Letters of Benjamin Rush
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